Our parish can only function and carry out its mission: “to know, love, and serve God through worship, education, care of God’s people and all of creation” with the generous support of its parishioners.
Weekly Giving
The primary source of income for the parish’s ministries comes from the weekly envelope mailed to all registered parishioners in a monthly packet. You may also mail your contribution to the address below:
300 S. Cornell Avenue
Villa Park, IL 60181
Online Giving
Online giving gifts can be made by using the WeShare online giving program. This is an automated means to financially support the parish through monthly contributions from your checking, savings, or credit card account. You can enroll by clicking on the button below.

2023 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal- St. Alexander’s goal is $46,700. For more information and to donate, click the button below.

We’ve partnered with FreeWill to make planned giving easier than ever. Visit freewill.com/dioceseofjoliet to write a will at no personal cost, and include the necessary language to support the Diocese with a gift in your plans. FreeWill’s online will-writing tools allow you to make a lasting gift to the Diocese of Joliet quickly and easily.
I would like to give thanks to God and to thank all of you who continue to serve one another, not only by your presence here every Sunday, but by your financial contributions to our parish family here at St. Alexander.
Below is our annual financial statement for the last fiscal year. I am proud and happy to announce that with the contributions of your generosity, we were able to have a year in which we were $11,186 dollars in the positive for our parish. That is truly an amazing act of generosity from one another for our parish. If you recall, about a month before the end of the fiscal year, I appealed to those who could help alleviate our deficit of $35,000 at the time. In roughly a month, your fellow parishioners were able to donate enough, so that, not only did we take a little off the deficit, as I was praying to at least do, but we eliminated the deficit and pushed ourselves to the $11,186 dollars to the good.
Again, I give thanks to God for the generosity of my parishioners and how well they try to take care of each other and their Church. Look around you to those next to you in this Church, as we have all contributed to this past year. God bless those who offered from home, and those who even increased their offering, to see in one another the family that Christ has given to us. A family that takes care of one another through their presence and offering, including financial, as Jesus encourages us in the Scriptures. May God bless us, St. Alexander, and our parish family in this upcoming year. Amen.
– Fr. Rosenbaum.